Cable Car Attractions Puerto Plata
In 1970, on the "Isabel de Torres" Mountain, on top of the fortress, "El Cristo Redentor" was installed, with a view to greater tourist attraction. In June 1971, the road from El Cupey to the top of the mountain and was built with the purpose of facilitating and helping to mobilize the machinery or equipment destined for the construction of the Cable Car.
The Dominicann Government signed with the Italian company Ceretti e Tanfani for the supply of the equipment that would later be installed in the Cable Car, starting the civil works in 1972.
The installation of the Cable Car, which was basically a tourist attraction, has given results to the city of Puerto Plata and the country, as it is the only Cable Car in the Caribbean, and has been visited by tourists from all continents.
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Upon reaching the upper base, there are 2 names embroidered in flowers that represent the initials of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Fernando and Isabel (symbol of the Colonization of America), this symbol represents the cityy of Puerto Plata.
• RD$250.00 Older than 11 years old
• RD$150.00 Minors between 5-10 years old
How to get to
The Puerto Plata Cable Car is located on the “Isabel de Torres” Mountain, south of the beautiful city of Puerto Plata. At the top of the mountain, on top of a fortress, is the statue of “Christ the Redeemer”, which welcomes visitors with its open arms.
Take your photo with the Christ, he will put his hand on your head! During the visit you will enjoy wonderful views of the ocean and the city, as well as beautiful gardens, since the mountain has been declared a Scientific Reserve due to the great variety of animal and plant species found there.
And if you keep your eyes peeled, you can discover hidden caves that lead to springs and streams that flow into the mountain!
During your stay in Puerto Plata, be sure to visit the Cable Car, with its exotic natural beauty and extensive National Park.
What to See
The forest is a nest for birds, such as Cigua Palmera, Guaraguao, Ruiseñor, Carrao, Paloma, Hummingbird, Buzzer, among others that adorn the mountain.
There are 594 species of different plants identified and according to studies we have the presence of about 90 families of plants.
Walking through the exuberant tropical forest you will be able to meet the green lizard (Anolis Baleatus), the Dominican parrot (Amazona ventralis), geckos, tree frogs, the Turkey vultures (Aura Tiñosa), wild orchids and much more. They will know how to recognize them
Imagine that you have finally arrived at Restaurant Teleferico after visiting La Loma Isabel de Torres. Its divine service is a great addition to this restaurant, enjoy the scenery while you savor a delicious cup of coffee at 800 meters above sea level, an excellent place to share with the family.
Hours and calendar of Operation:
- Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Address: Manolo Tavarez Justo, Las Flores, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.
Phone (809) 970-0501* Fax (809) 586-2122
How to get:
Most tour companies include a visit to the Isabel de Torres mountain in their City Tour, but you can also take your transport or taxi to the cable car, as there are always guides ready to help you.
• US$10.00 Older than 11 years old
• US$ 5.00 Minors between 5-10 years old
• Free minors between 0-4 yearsFor payment in national currency, the official rate of the day of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic will apply.
Seasonal offer for Dominican visitors or foreigners legally residing in the Dominicann Republic, upon presentation of their personal identity document, as follows:
• RD$250.00 Older than 11 years old
• RD$150.00 Minors between 5-10 years old
• Free minors between 0-4 years
- FAQ's
How much does the ticket to the Teleferico, Puerto Plata cost?
RATES• US$10.00 Older than 11 years old• US$5.00 Minors between 5-10 years old• Free minors between 0-4 years oldFor payment in national currency, the official rate of the day of the Central Bank of the Republic will apply Dominicann.Seasonal offer for Dominicann visitors or foreigners legally residing in the Dominicann Republic, upon presentation of their personal identity document, as follows: • RD$250.00 Older than 11 years of age and older• RD$150.00 Minors between 5-10 years old• Free minors between 0-4 years
How far does the Teleferico, Puerto Plata travel?
The ascent route is about 4 kilometers and with a journey that lasts 10 minutes, time that visitors can take advantage of to appreciate the varied vegetation that resembles a jungle.
Alternative routes, Teleferico, Puerto Plata?
To get to Loma Isabel de Torres, we can walk up or take the well-known Puerto Plata cable car. If you want to go up walking or by taxi.
On foot: The path is along a well-marked and well-maintained road, the route is 4km up a steep hill, you can enjoy the landscape and our fauna, it is a unique experience and of course you can go down by cart, the descent is better for the cable car, if you decide to go on foot along the road, we recommend going with someone you know to guide you all the way.
How old is the Teleferico, Puerto Plata?
The tourist cable car, inaugurated in 1975, leads from Puerto Plata to the Isabel de Torres hill, from where you have a panoramic view of the city bathed by the Atlantic.
What president made the Teleferico, Puerto Plata?
These facilities were inaugurated on September 19 by President Joaquín Balaguer, which was a great tourist social event in the Puerto Plata region, since for the first time a cable car was built in the Caribbean region similar to the one that works with his Christ of Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro